Becoming a wedding planner

Join the Shades Waves franchise
and a network of recognized wedding planners


Are you an employee, an entrepreneur or a freelancer? Are you passionate about organizing events, and wondering whether and how you could become a wedding planner?

Shades Waves is the agency for you!

Improving your skills or getting started in event management

Staying independent

Increase sales

Becoming a wedding planner:

After a career in the events industry in Paris with an American firm, a move to be closer to her family in the Var and over 7 years working in the wedding industry in France, French overseas departments and territories and abroad, Vanessa naturally wanted to share her experience and expertise as an Events PROJECT MANAGER with future wedding planners in France, Europe and worldwide.

Vanessa is a dynamic, hyperactive yet discreet woman, curious about what life has to offer, who has loved to travel since childhood. It's thanks to all her experiences and challenges in both her professional and personal life that Vanessa now wants to share her know-how with future entrepreneurs and self-employed people, to accompany them in this wonderful adventure.

Make a living from your passion: organizing events, being an event project manager or wedding & event planner: the important thing is to practice your passion and make a living from it!

You're about to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship in a field rich in emotions, rigor and challenges.

Having suffered the loneliness of the entrepreneur faced with the worries of reality, such as launching a business without support, Vanessa wanted to create a Shades Waves franchise to form a close-knit team of entrepreneurs. Vanessa wanted to create the Shades Waves franchise to form a close-knit team of entrepreneurs, giving you the freedom to direct your business as you see fit and develop your sales at your own pace.


The Shades Waves agency starter pack to be reactive:

✔ Flyers and/or business cards
✔ Standard contract with terms and conditions
✔ Training in the use of WeddingPlan event planning software
✔ A T-shirt flocked with the agency's name and shorts for installations
✔ A navy blue dress (agency color)


  • Have a state of mind a willing and dynamic entrepreneur

  • To be accompanied to avoid "entrepreneurial solitude

  • Benefit from operating process of the Shades Waves brand license

  • Acquire the right techniques and processes for success sales, marketing, management...

  • Being part of a team while remaining independent

  • Get good visibility on social networks quickly

  • Keep an all-round smile during organization and on D-Day

  • Never give up when faced with a problem, there are only solutions!

  • Be resourcefulinventive, handyman, etc ...

  • Be multilingual is a plus!

  • Empathy, anticipation, time management, stress management, emotional management and diplomacy in front of our customers

Elles ont rejoint la franchise d'organisatrices de mariage Shades Waves 🤍

Évoluer dans l'événementiel : la formation wedding planner de Shades Waves

L’organisation d’événements devient de plus en plus sophistiquée, la formation de wedding planner proposée par Shades Waves se présente comme une opportunité incontournable pour ceux cherchant à exceller dans le domaine des mariages.

Dispensée en présentielle et située à Hyères les Palmiers, cette formation wedding planner de cinq jours est conçue pour immerger les participants au cœur du métier de l’organisation de mariages.

Notre équipe: photo de groupe

Programme intensif et pratique

Programme intensif et pratique

Le programme couvre tous les aspects essentiels du métier de wedding planner, de la gestion des clients et des fournisseurs à la conception et la réalisation d'événements premiums. La formation se distingue par son approche pratique, permettant aux participants de mettre en œuvre les techniques apprises grâce à des études de cas réels et des simulations.

Accompagnement personnalisé

Accompagnement personnalisé

Chaque participant bénéficie d'un accompagnement personnalisé tout au long de la formation. Cela inclut du coaching individuel et des sessions de feedback constructif, assurant une compréhension approfondie et une application pratique des connaissances acquises.

Ressources exclusives

Ressources exclusives

L'accès à la photothèque de l'agence Shades Waves offre aux wedding planners une ressource précieuse pour s'inspirer et apprendre à créer des visuels impactants pour leurs futurs événements.

Application des méthodes éprouvées

Application des méthodes éprouvées

En intégrant les méthodes et processus qui ont fait le succès de Shades Waves, notre formation wedding planner assure une compréhension claire des standards de qualité et d'excellence requis dans l'industrie du mariage de luxe.

Débouchés et réseau professionnel

Débouchés et réseau professionnel

Les organisatrices de mariage Shades Waves sortent de la formation non seulement avec une expertise accrue mais aussi avec un réseau professionnel élargi, grâce aux contacts et partenariats développés durant le cours.



À la fin de la semaine, les participants reçoivent une certification attestant du suivi de la formation wedding planner de la franchise et des compétences et des connaissances acquises, augmentant ainsi la reconnaissance et la crédibilité professionnelle sur le marché.

Modules de spécialisation

Modules de spécialisation

La formation offre des modules optionnels de spécialisation, tels que la décoration florale, la photographie de mariage ou le marketing digital, permettant aux participants de personnaliser leur apprentissage en fonction de leurs intérêts. Parlez-nous en si vous êtes intéréssé(e) !

Suivi post-formation

Suivi post-formation

Shades Waves propose un suivi post-formation wedding planner, incluant des séances de mentorat et des opportunités de réseautage avec des professionnels du secteur, assurant un soutien continu pour les anciens élèves et membre de la franchise.

Je m'inscris à la formation wedding planner !

Rejoindre la formation

L'aventure wedding planner vous intéresse ? Contactez-nous dès à présent pour en savoir plus sur la formation Shades Waves !

to become a wedding planner!

We are looking for innovative and original entries:
by mail to or by mail, bus, plane, train or carrier pigeon...

Apply to join the Shades Waves franchise and you'll never be alone.

Would you like to become a wedding planner, but don't know where to start?
We're looking for sparkling applications that exude the desire to succeed in this job, with a touch of craziness, a sense of humor and the energy to keep up with the frenzied pace of the wedding season!

A taste for challenge, a good sense of repartee and a WINNER mindset!

Send us your application AND JOIN THE SHADES WAVES TEAM!

Attachment (optional) :

✔ Accès à un réseau étendu

✔ Formations continues

✔ Support marketing et opérationnel

✔ Opportunités de croissance

✔ Communauté de soutien

✔ Standards de qualité élevés

Play Video about Shades Waves wedding planner team in conversation with the bride in front of the sea

Become a wedding planner?

Entering the wedding industry as an independent wedding planner can be daunting.

With increasing competition and customers looking for high-quality, trusted services, it's essential to stand out from the crowd.

However, building a recognized brand, developing a network of reliable suppliers and acquiring a customer base can take years.

FormationWP ShadesWaves PhotosSylviaCalmet55 1 min scaled e1699957108731
Our Shade Waves team: Our wedding planners

Shades Waves, a recognized brand license

Joining the Shades Waves franchise offers a unique opportunity to overcome these challenges.

As a member of a strong, recognized brand license, you immediately benefit from the reputation and credibility of Shades Waves.

Our wedding planners benefit from an established network of quality suppliers, proven marketing tools and ongoing training to ensure the success of every event.

With Shades Waves, you're never alone: you're part of a thriving community of passionate professionals, while retaining the freedom to operate under a successful brand.

This is your chance to turn your passion for weddings into a successful career, with the support and resources of a market leader.

10 good reasons to become a wedding planner with Shades Waves

Established reputation : Benefit instantly from the notoriety of a brand recognized in the wedding industry.

Complete training : Benefit from in-depth training to hone your skills and keep up to date with the latest wedding trends.

Supplier network Access to an extensive network of quality suppliers and reliable partners.

Marketing support : Use proven marketing tools and branding strategies to attract and retain customers.

Community exchange Join a community of passionate wedding planners to share tips, ideas and experiences.

Entrepreneurial autonomy : Manage your business with the autonomy of an entrepreneur while benefiting from the support of a franchise.

Diversified Events : Work on a variety of events, from intimate weddings to large celebrations, enriching your portfolio.

Management tools : Take advantage of business management and event planning tools to optimize your workflow.

Expansion possibilities : Seize the opportunity to develop your business under the Shades Waves brand, with the potential to expand your market.

Job satisfaction : Experience the gratification of creating unforgettable days for couples, turning their vision into reality.

Become a wedding planner and join a growing team of enthusiasts!

How do I become a wedding planner?

Becoming a wedding planner is an exciting career that combines creativity, organization and a passion for events.

If you dream of planning weddings and creating unforgettable days for couples, here are the key steps to launching your career in this dynamic and rewarding field.

Training and education

  • Although there is no strict educational path to becoming a wedding planner, training in event management, hospitality or communications can be beneficial.
  • Consider specialized wedding planning courses, which can provide you with specific knowledge of the industry, current trends and essential skills.
  • Join a franchise or brand license such as Shades Waves and be mentored by recognized professionals to acquire the skills you need.

Gaining experience

  • Practical experience is crucial. Start with internships or working as an assistant for an established wedding planner.
  • Get involved in organizing local events or offer your services to friends and family to develop your skills and build your portfolio.

Developing key skills

  • The essential skills of a wedding planner include organization, time management, problem solving, effective communication and creativity.
  • Work on honing these skills, as they are crucial to successfully managing the many aspects of a wedding.

Building a network

  • Build relationships with suppliers, wedding venues and other event professionals.
  • Attend wedding shows, conferences and networking events to meet industry professionals and learn from the best.

Get started!

  • Once you've gained experience and built a network, consider starting your own wedding planning business or joining an existing network that will support you and put you in touch with couples.
  • By joining a wedding planner franchise, you benefit from a strong brand image, a pricing structure and an established marketing strategy to promote your services.

Marketing and promotion

  • Develop a solid online presence with a professional website of your own or of the network to which you belong, and look after your social networking accounts.
  • Use customer testimonials, photos of weddings you've planned and blogs to showcase your expertise and attract new customers.

Continuing education

  • The wedding industry is constantly evolving. Stay up to date with the latest trends, technologies and best practices by attending workshops, webinars and reading relevant publications.

Professional certification

  • Although not mandatory, obtaining professional certification can boost your credibility and set you apart in the industry.
  • Look for reputable organizations that offer wedding planning certifications.

By following these steps, you can develop the skills, experience and knowledge necessary to succeed as a wedding planner. It's a demanding but hugely rewarding profession, enabling you to turn couples' dreams into magical realities.

All questions about becoming a wedding planner

A wedding planner is a professional wedding planner who helps couples plan, organize and manage their wedding. It's a demanding role that requires creativity, excellent organization, project management skills and the ability to work under pressure.

There are several key steps to becoming a wedding planner. Firstly, training is essential, whether through studies in event management, communications or hospitality. Next, gaining practical experience is crucial. This can be gained through internships, working for event agencies or assisting established wedding planners. It is also beneficial to develop a network of contacts in the wedding industry, such as suppliers and reception venues.

Finally, knowledge of current wedding trends and business management skills are essential for success.

Shade Waves can help you every step of the way, providing you with the network, skills and knowledge to make you a successful wedding planner!

Responsibilities include understanding the couple's wishes, creating a budget, selecting and coordinating suppliers, managing invitations, overseeing rehearsals and ceremonies, and making sure everything runs smoothly on the big day.

The responsibilities of a wedding planner are vast and varied, covering all aspects of wedding planning and execution. Here's a detailed overview of the main tasks:

  • Understanding the couple's wishes The first and most important responsibility is to meet with the couple to understand their vision, tastes and preferences. This can include discussions about the wedding theme, colors, style, music, food and any other personalized elements they wish to incorporate.

  • Creating a budget : Drawing up a detailed budget is essential. This involves determining the cost of every element of the wedding, from venue hire to catering, decoration, entertainment, photography and more. The wedding planner must ensure that the budget is respected throughout the planning process.

  • Supplier selection and coordination The wedding planner has to research, select and negotiate with various suppliers, such as caterers, photographers, florists, musicians and rental companies. He must also coordinate their services on the wedding day to ensure seamless harmony and execution.

  • Invitation management This includes designing invitations, following up on responses, managing the guest list, and sometimes helping with seating arrangements. The wedding planner may also manage communications with guests regarding accommodation and transportation information.

  • Supervision of rehearsals and ceremonies Before the wedding, the wedding planner organizes and supervises the rehearsals, making sure everyone knows their role. On the wedding day, he or she oversees the ceremony to ensure that everything goes according to plan, from the arrival of guests to the walk down the aisle.

  • Ensuring that everything runs smoothly on the big day On the wedding day, the wedding planner is the conductor of the orchestra, handling logistics, solving unforeseen problems and ensuring that the program runs smoothly. He or she ensures that the transition between ceremony, cocktail party, meal and reception runs smoothly, and that the couple's wishes are respected at every stage.

  • Post-wedding After the wedding, the wedding planner may be involved in dismantling the venue, managing rental returns, and sometimes helping to manage gifts and thank-yous.

In short, the wedding planner is the focal point of wedding planning, working tirelessly to ensure that the couple can enjoy their special day stress-free.

Although no specific diploma is required, many wedding planners have a background in event management, hospitality or business. 

Professional certifications, such as theAssociation of Marriage Consultantscan also be beneficial.

Specific wedding planner training is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended. There are courses and workshops that can provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in this field.

Yes, there are several wedding planner training courses available in France. These courses are offered by private schools specialized in event planning, as well as by continuing education organizations.

They can vary from a few days to several months, and generally cover key aspects of the business, such as wedding design, project management, marketing, communication with clients and suppliers, and contract negotiation.

Some courses also offer practical modules, real-life case studies and internship opportunities.

It's important to choose a course that's recognized by industry professionals and offers content that's up to date with current trends in the wedding market.

The key skills of a wedding planner encompass meticulous organization and strategic planning, making it possible to manage several aspects of a wedding simultaneously. To work and succeed in the event industry, you need to be well-rounded. Here's a list of the most important traits of a wedding planner: 

  •  Organization and planning: Ability to manage several tasks and events simultaneously with precision.
  • Communication: Ability to listen and articulate ideas clearly with customers and suppliers.

  • Creativity: The ability to design unique wedding concepts and personalize experiences.

  • Problem solving: Ability to anticipate and quickly solve problems as they arise. 

  • Attention to detail: Vigilance to ensure that every aspect of the wedding contributes to a cohesive experience.

  • Attention to detail: Vigilance to ensure that every aspect of the wedding contributes to a cohesive experience.

  • Stress management: Ability to remain calm and effective under pressure and in the face of the unexpected.

  • Empathy: Sensitivity to customers' emotional needs and ability to reassure them.

  • Patience: Endurance to manage long planning processes and last-minute changes.

  • Negotiation: Skill in obtaining the best prices and services from suppliers.

  • Flexibility: Adaptability to adjust plans to meet changing demands or unforeseen situations.

Start by creating an attractive online portfolio that showcases your previous events and client testimonials. Networking with other wedding professionals can open up opportunities for mutual referrals. Attending local wedding fairs and industry events allows you to meet couples in the planning stages. 

Social networks are essential: use platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to capture the attention of future brides and grooms with inspiring images illustrating your creativity. Finally, positive reviews on specialist sites can enhance your reputation and encourage word-of-mouth, which is often the best ally for attracting new customers.

Becoming a wedding planner also means being able to stay up to date with wedding trends, engaging in ongoing research and being active in the wedding community to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace! Here are a few strategies:

  1. Follow industry publications Subscribe to leading wedding magazines and specialized blogs to see the latest trends in decor, bridal fashion and event planning.

  2. Participate in trade fairs and exhibitions Wedding fairs are events where suppliers present their latest offers and innovations. It's a golden opportunity to see new ideas in action and meet designers.

  3. Networking with professionals Building relationships with other wedding professionals, such as photographers, caterers and stylists, can provide valuable insight into what's new and in demand.

  4. Using social networks : Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are inexhaustible sources of inspiration for wedding trends. Following wedding influencers and popular hashtags can give insight into emerging styles.

  5. Continuing education Participating in workshops, webinars and courses can not only improve your skills, but also keep you up to date with the latest industry trends and techniques.

  6. Listening to customers Couples are often aware of the latest trends, or can even create new ones. Being attentive to their requests and suggestions can give you a head start.

  7. Travel Visiting popular wedding destinations can offer insight into international trends and ideas that haven't yet reached your local market.

  8. Read market research Market research provides data on consumer trends and customer preferences, which can help anticipate future demand.

  9. Testing new ideas : Don't be afraid to experiment with new concepts in your wedding projects to see what resonates with your clients and what doesn't.

  10. Feedback and analysis After each wedding, analyze what went well and what could be improved. This can help sharpen your understanding of current and future trends.


As a wedding planner, invoicing can be done in several ways. You can opt to charge by the hour, by the job, as a percentage of the total budget, or as a fixed fee. It's common to combine these methods to offer clients flexibility. The key is to clearly explain costs, and discuss included services, deposits and payment terms with your customers.

 A well-defined contract is essential to avoid misunderstandings and maintain transparency with your clientele. Be sure to take into account your operating costs, taxes and local competition to determine competitive rates that reflect the value of your services and expertise as a wedding planner.

There are various costs involved in setting up a wedding planning business. You'll need to consider expenses for your training and possibly a wedding planning certification, a business license. Don't overlook the communications/marketing costs associated with creating a professional website, producing business cards, online advertising and attending wedding fairs. 

In addition, management costs such as project management software, accounting software and productivity tools are required. You'll also need professional liability insurance to protect you against potential claims. 

Recurring costs include rent for an office or workspace, overheads such as telephone, electricity, water and Internet, and possibly salaries and benefits for any staff you may hire. 

Establishing a solid financial plan and keeping a close eye on these costs is essential to ensure the long-term viability of your wedding planning business.

When you join the Shade Waves franchise, you benefit from the entire network and the best wedding planning tools. 


In order to best prepare for the job, it's important to know that in the events industry, working hours and workloads vary enormously. As a wedding planner, you even forget to count your hours, so it's important to know when you'll be working the most during the year.

The busiest seasons for wedding planners vary according to region and climate, but in general, spring and summer are the busiest periods. This is due to the milder weather that allows outdoor weddings, the abundance of flowers and bright colors, and couples' desire to enjoy longer days. Autumn can also be a popular season, thanks to its warm colors and romantic moods.

To grow in your career as a wedding planner, it's essential to seek out ongoing training to keep your skills up to date.

At the same time, broaden your skills by exploring areas outside your usual areas of expertise, such as floral design, decorating or destination wedding planning. Build a strong network by establishing relationships with other wedding industry professionals to gain referrals and expand your professional circle.

Diversify your clientele by adapting your services to different types of weddings. Invest in an effective marketing strategy by using social networks, creating a professional website and participating in wedding fairs.

A wedding planner's salary can vary considerably depending on several factors, such as experience, geographical location, reputation and the type of services offered. On average, a beginner wedding planner can expect to earn between 1,500 and 2,500 euros per month. With experience and a well-established clientele, this figure can rise significantly, with some experienced and recognized wedding planners charging several thousand euros per wedding. It's also common for wedding planners to work on a commission basis or to offer package deals, which can influence their overall income.

While a specific degree in wedding planning isn't always necessary, having training or certifications in related fields such as event planning, hospitality or management can be very beneficial. For those without a degree, gaining practical experience is crucial. Start by assisting established wedding planners, helping to organize events or even volunteering to organize weddings for friends and family. Building a solid network and keeping abreast of the latest wedding trends are also key steps to success in this field.

Being a wedding planner offers the unique opportunity to contribute to one of the happiest and most meaningful days in a couple's life. It's an exciting profession that combines creativity, organization and management, turning romantic visions into memorable realities. It requires great adaptability, excellent communication skills and a keen eye for detail. For many, the satisfaction of seeing a couple celebrate their love stress-free thanks to their work is a priceless reward.

Specializing in the luxury segment of the wedding market requires an in-depth understanding of the needs and expectations of high-end clients. This often involves working with large budgets, exclusive venues and prestigious service providers. Gaining experience in the luxury industry, whether in hotels, fashion or events, can provide a solid foundation. Cultivating a network of luxury suppliers and developing a brand that evokes elegance, exclusivity and refinement are also essential to attracting high-end clientele.

The tasks of an event organizer include overall event planning, budget management, selection and coordination of service providers (venues, caterers, photographers, etc.), design of the scenography and theme, planning of the running of the event, as well as logistical management on D-day. An event organizer must also ensure fluid communication with customers to understand and realize their vision, while anticipating and resolving any unforeseen circumstances.

The choice of legal status for practicing as a wedding planner depends on a number of factors, including country of practice, anticipated business volume, personal management and tax preferences, and the level of responsibility you are prepared to assume. Here are some common options:

  1. Sole Proprietorship (EI) or Limited Liability Sole Proprietorship (EIRL):

    • These statutes are ideal for entrepreneurs who want to start out on their own, with a simple structure and streamlined administrative procedures. The EIRL has the advantage of limiting liability to the company's contributions, thus protecting personal assets.
  2. Micro-Entrepreneur (formerly Auto-Entrepreneur) :

    • Extremely popular with new entrepreneurs, this status offers simplicity of management, particularly in terms of declaration and payment of social security contributions and taxes, calculated as a percentage of sales. It is particularly well-suited to novice wedding planners, or those considering this activity as a sideline.
  3. Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL) or Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée (EURL) :

    • These forms of company are best suited to projects of a certain scale, requiring greater investment or involving higher risks. The liability of the partners, or of the sole partner, is limited to their contributions. They offer greater credibility with financial partners, and provide a clear separation between personal and business assets.
  4. Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) or Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle (SASU) :

    • These legal forms offer great flexibility in the organization and management of the company, with the possibility of freely defining operating rules in the articles of association. They are particularly well-suited to evolving projects, or to entrepreneurs planning to associate other people in the future.

It's important to note that each status has its own specificities in terms of tax regime, social charges, social protection and administrative formalities. It is therefore advisable to seek advice from a chartered accountant or business creation consultant to choose the status best suited to your wedding planner project, taking into account your professional objectives and personal situation.


For me, being a wedding planner is more than just organizing events. It's a vocation that gives meaning to my life: I love seeing your faces light up with joy and emotion on the big day.

My journey
With over 10 years' experience as an IT project manager, I've developed solid skills in project management, planning and budgeting, essential qualities for orchestrating the perfect wedding.
My ability to anticipate, plan and coordinate every detail makes me a trusted ally on your big day.

My commitment
What sets me apart? My benevolence and total commitment to each couple I accompany. I'm here to understand your aspirations, listen to your ideas and guide you towards a wedding that truly reflects you. My aim is to create events that are elegant and refined, but above all authentic and full of your personality.
I take the time to get to know you, to understand your dreams and expectations, to transform your ideas into a magical reality.

What I suggest.
Whether you dream of a waterfront wedding, a chateau steeped in history, the heart of a vineyard, or any other venue that inspires you, I'm here to accompany you every step of the way. My aim is to offer you not only seamless planning, but also a joyful and serene experience throughout the entire process.

Every detail is important to me and I make a point of understanding your needs and desires.

Together, we'll create the wedding that's right for YOU.


I'm Joëlle, born in Beirut and having lived in Rio de Janeiro, the love of weddings and the charm of nature have always attracted me.
Passionate about Provence and the wonders of southern France, I moved to Marseille.

Coming from a paramedical background, my work as a nurse has given me a solid grounding in organization, dedication and attention to detail.
It has also enabled me to develop the listening skills that are essential in both my professional and personal life.

After training as an event and wedding planner in Aix-en-Provence, it is with great pleasure and passion that I will design and organize your big day. Together, we'll create unforgettable moments that will stay with you forever.

Whether you want a timeless Parisian wedding, a romantic Provencal wedding or a unique wedding in a heavenly location, I'll be at your side to help you design the wedding that suits you, with elegance and chic à la française.

I look forward to meeting you!


After a 15-year career in Paris in the events industry and a move to be closer to her family in the South-East of France near the Gulf of Saint Tropez, Vanessa Roussel, created the Shades Waves agency in 2016, passionate about her job, dynamic and motivated to take up every challenge that organizing a wedding represents.

Always listening to her customers, ready to innovate, curious about life, she enjoys discussing the projects entrusted to her with future brides and grooms, to get to know you better and suggest the best scenography to suit you and create emotion.

A perfectionist at heart, she will organize your wedding or corporate event as if it were her own, with method and rigor, meticulousness and good humor, always planning the smallest detail.


My name is Florence and I accompany future brides and grooms from the conception to the coordination of their wedding. Weddings have always been a dream of mine!
So, in 2019, I'm training to become a wedding planner and event project manager at the Jaëlys school in Aix-en-Provence.
Since 2020, as a private event planner, I've had the honor of helping couples organize and coordinate their weddings.
I specialize in elegant, romantic and refined weddings, for a French-speaking clientele looking to get married in Provence. A native of Aix-en-Provence, I've made the South-East my playground.
From Provence and its vineyards, to the Côte d'Azur and its seaside resorts, to the snow-capped mountains of the Alps, I'll accompany you wherever your love takes you.
My watchwords are: patience, kindness, calm, organization, discretion and respect.
I draw my inspiration from literature, beautiful things and the charm of the old.
Let's talk about your beautiful project.


I'm Bilitis, mother of an adorable little girl and entrepreneur. I have the pleasure of living on the Côte d'Azur, near Toulon, in the South of France. Before obtaining my wedding planner diploma, I trained at EFMM, which I obtained in 2018.
I'd been organizing private events for several years before turning to my profession.
My greatest pleasure? Creating unique, innovative and exciting experiences that reflect my customers' image. My aim is to help my customers organize unforgettable, festive events.
I bring a dynamic, innovative and organized perspective to every event. My love of planning and attention to detail are sure to create the perfect ambiance for your special day.
I'll be there to support you with the tools you need to ensure that "organization" rhymes with "tranquility and serenity".